
Project: Mixed used development, 18.400 m2, by the old harbour in Reykjavík, Iceland

Status: Ongoing, 1st prize in a prequalified competition 2017

Collaborators: Trípólí, Basalt, PKdM, VSÓ

Vesturbugt, a former industrial area by the waterfront in the center of Reykjavik, will constitute an important link between the surrounding central city districts. Shops, restaurants and two public squares will create a living connection between the diverse cultural contributions along the waterfront to the east and west. Simultaneously, varied apartment types on the upper floors will extend Reykjavik’s oldest residential area Vesturbær, or the West City, down to the waterfront.

The urban and architectural ambition is to create a multifaceted and vibrant community with a strong reference to the area’s industrial history.

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